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Electrical Designer

Andrew Johnson - 2024 (450x300)

With GDS since 2005 | AS Engineering from MCCC | Certified Draftsman from KC Tech

Email: Andrew Johnson

Phone: 816-759-5216

Explain what you do here at GDS.
I’m an electrical designer.

Why do you enjoy working the engineering/design/construction field?
To design something and see the final results.

What is your favorite work-related memory?
Working on the QTS project and working on Google Facility.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An architect.

What inspires you?
I enjoy doing my job. When you’re inspired to do great things, great things usually happens.

What accomplishment or award you are most proud of?
Lighting Award for the IRS Project.

Tell us about your background and why you chose to work at GDS?
I have worked at large companies and small and enjoy the family atmosphere here at GDS.

Tell us about a special talent or a strength you have.
I play trumpet, bass, drums, sing and I am the choir director at my church.

What do you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy working on classic trucks, volunteering and cooking.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Quite, reliable & dedicated.